Card meanings: The Realm of Wands

The realm of spirit, inspiration, insight vision, purpose, destiny.

Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Wherever the staff leads,
Use your intuition and take that direction
The match that ignites
A fire within

Bundles of nature
With an indelible
Interconnected strength
Within, above and below.

As we traverse from one to 10
1 to 10
1 to ten
I to x

Remember, you carried the load
Hard work does pay off
And you can reach completion.”

Introductory poem by Fausta Joly:

Ace of Wands

A fresh dose of inspiration presents itself. Gently smouldering, the incense stirs and entices you. Like a brief vapour, it won’t last long. So swiftly help it catch fire before it passes you by. If you feel moved, take the wand and run with it. Who knows, your action may ignite someone else! Inspiration comes from your inner spirit. Your home and your roots. The flame planted at birth. What better foundation to work with.

2 of Wands

It’s time to gather all you need to manifest and make plans. Thread all your designs with a focus on your core purpose. If you have a clear idea of your destiny - centre it. If you’re still unsure, build around your principles. Perhaps look beyond your immediate surroundings and talents to other sources and minds. Begin by exploring the possibilities without boundaries, then work out the limitations and practicalities of how to get there after.

3 of Wands

You are the dream catcher. Weave your plans together from the centre outwards - this way you can hold fast to your principles and keep expanding to reach your full potential. Keep true to your authentic self and purpose so it can flow outwards and through to everything you touch. Consider collaborating with like minded people who share the same passions.

4 of Wands

Keeping a tether to your origins will serve as an important point of reference when measuring your growth. Wherever or whoever you call home, it’s your well of energy and healing - it is here you can celebrate success, deal with loss and give thanks for your experiences. Perhaps you’re not sure where your home lies and need to dig deeper to discover or build one. Include those in your life who hold a light for you - draw close and share the journey.

5 of Wands

In everything you do, your motivations and purpose will come under scrutiny. Conflict and competition threatens to derail your pathway, so find a way to make peace with the discord. Learn from diverse voices, rather than letting it be a source of dispute. It may be a powerful learning moment, or perhaps time to mind your own business.

6 of Wands

Like the moon, you are in full bloom. Whether you fly your flag with pride or hold your joy privately, close to your chest - make sure you appreciate your own worth in a healthy, humble way. Others will recognise your magic by its fruit. Believe the compliments others have for you, but don't let them swell your head to an unhealthy size! On the other hand, a fall from grace may be prompting you to swallow your pride.

7 of Wands

Holding a strong conviction or point of view sometimes takes its toll, especially if it becomes a point of contention for others. It may feel like you're backed into a corner. Hold fast to what you believe is right, but with an open heart for learning. Living by example and walking in the shoes of others will confirm, refine or dismantle your belief. When your spirit challenges others, be ready for them to test you.

8 of Wands

Brace yourself! Sometimes caution is needed... other times swift action is required. Keep calm and prepare to make tough calls, making changes where necessary. If something is not sitting right in your spirit, nip it in the bud. Perhaps a different direction or strategy will help you reach the same outcome more efficiently.

9 of Wands

It's easy to grow impatient after the drag of much work and energy. Don't let delays or impatience lead to a premature harvest. Sit with the ripening process... the fruit will be richer and sweeter. Recall everything that has led to this moment - it's worth the wait. Perhaps it's taking others longer to catch on to an idea or important cause. Be patient, as they need to walk their own journey to reach conclusions. Find out what they need, but don’t force their minds.

10 of Wands

Working and achieving to your full potential is bittersweet. Although carrying the load is deeply fulfilling and honourable, abundance can also be a burden of responsibility. When your spirit and energy overflows, maintain your sustainability and share the load with others. You may have gained a new experience or insight that will be hard to share with others. Take courage and follow your spirit’s call.

Apprentice of Wands

The Apprentice of Wands is a daydeamer and a stargazer. Sitting beneath the open skies, they plait daisy chains and peer through their telescope... The broader universe calls! Look up to the skies and marvel. There's a budding desire within to find deeper purpose and inspiration. Invest yourself and be a seeker of greater things. Recognise the sparks that move deep inside you, and follow them.

Champion of Wands

Wild and spirit-led, this blackbird has taken flight with purpose. When the moment is right, fly! They must harness their passion without being overcome by zealous energy. This build up of energy, whether it's joy or anger, needs direction to be effective. Perhaps you have launched into something new and feel experimental? Enjoy the thrill and embrace your freedom. If you’re feeling nervous, seek out good souls to take you under their wing.

Keeper of Wands

The sacred, expanding spiral of the sunflower seeds aligns the Keeper with the divine and their unique purpose. With courage and insight, they flourish in spirit and channel the comings and goings of their work with competence. As the vision of your destiny becomes clearer, grasp it tight and align every new decision to work with your purpose. Your path is unique, and only you hold the key.

Crown of Wands

The Crown of Wands is a master of spirit and purpose. They are in tune with the universe and their inner authentic self, and the two are in flow. As a visionary, the can recognise the unique talents and beauty of those around them. This is a desirable leader who is an inspiration to others. Wear your talisman with pride and don't be afraid to lead! It's time to ignite, activate and inspire.


  • Ace of Wands

  • 2 of Wands

  • 3 of Wands

  • 4 of Wands

  • 5 of Wands

  • 6 of Wands

  • 7 of Wands

  • 8 of Wands

  • 9 of Wands

  • 10 of Wands

  • Apprentice of Wands

  • Champion of Wands

  • Keeper of Wands

  • Crown of Wands