Card meanings: Major Arcana

Hello my friends!

Here’s a full list of card interpretations for the Major Arcana cards from my Transient Light Tarot deck guidebook.

0: The Fool

Keywords: Unprepared, Adventurous, Naive, Hopeful

The Fool strides towards the precipice with naivety, energy and a romantic expectation of adventure. Blissfully unaware of the trials and darkness ahead, they are enabled to take risk. This card captures that tipping point, the passing over the edge to the unknown. Whether it is fear or fearlessness they feel as they take the plunge - there’s endless experiences and wisdom to be embraced. This tipping point is one you may be ready to embrace... or perhaps you’re holding back. Fear is a dreadful thing, so if you’re not feeling fearless, consider dipping your toe in the water and finding your own route to feeling more prepared.

I: The Magician

Keywords: Equipped, Enabled, Resourceful, Talented

Your inner Magician is always under the surface, and when the time is right, you connect with your own magic. Connecting and being in flow with your talents, wisdom, resources and dreams is a state of powerful manifestation. When the different parts of yourself align, you become a fertile soul ready to manifest your dreams, creative pursuits and good works. These four artefacts represent the four elements and your heart, soul, mind and body. Get to know your own elements and wear them - you have permission to create your own magic and manifest your own power.

II: The Revealer

Keywords: Intuition, Unbiased, Inquisitive, Seeking

Within our transient lifespans, it’s tempting to pin down ‘truths’ to gain a sense of security. But the Revealer prompts you to question and reveal the mysteries that call to be explored. The Revealer is not afraid to challenge and listen to the experience of apposing views. They drink from both vessels to form their own conclusions, fluidly adjusting their viewpoint with humility to deepen understanding and refine wisdom like gold. Exchange dogmatism for an open mind - there’s endless learnings to explore in this short life, so dive in with an open, compassionate heart.

III: The Nurturer

Keywords: Nurture, Fertility, Beauty, Creativity

The Nurturer is a parental figure, focussed on nurture, fertility, creation and beauty. This is a very luxurious energy, strongly linked to Venus - full of passion, love and devotion. Like the formation of a pearl, the Nurturer takes a small stone and cradles it with care and nourishment to create a valuable gem. This character reminds us to practice both self care and the care of others. To create fertile ground, to sit with beauty and create.

IV: The Defender

Keywords: Strength, Protection, Defence, Wisdom

The Defender is a parental figure, focussed on defence, protection and strength. Associated with Mars, this character is more active, asserting power to protect and defend those in their care. Like a diamond, The Defender is strong and reliable - with raw passion that, once cut to form, is clear and effective.  This card prompts us to be strong and defend what matters to us. Harness your fiery energy to be steadfast and level-headed in your defence.

V: The Proclaimer

Keywords: Dogmatism, Tradition, Teacher, Authority

We all need parents, guardians, teachers and authorities to hold our hand and show us the ropes. Proclaimers have the potential to prepare and educate us, but there’s a fine line between a healthy teacher and a dictator. Conviction is powerful, but worthless if unchallenged. If you need guidance, perhaps it’s a good time to seek healthy mentors or consider your elders or ancestors. Listen like a child but form your wisdom like a free thinking adult.

VI: The Lovers

Keywords: Healthy partnership, Harmony, Trust

When two souls connect, the potential for harmony and fruitfulness is ripe. This is a depiction of lovers, friends or even a partnership of creative or business minds. The connection is powerful, productive, mutually beneficial and healthy. Both parties have allowed themselves to be vulnerable and open. This honesty makes room for intimacy. This is something to be nurtured and enjoyed! Perhaps take a moment to consider the potential areas of risk. By naming the risks, you can both avoid this beautiful partnership turning into something less fruitful, or even toxic. The two hearts are hinged, but open and remain independent.

VII: The Chariot

Keywords: Activation, Will Power, Creation, Focus

The Chariot speaks their vision into action, stating their will and manifesting it. You've nurtured an idea within and it's time to use your will power to breath life into it! With action come responsibility, so although speed is sometimes required, use wisdom and foresight to nurture your will into a reality.

VIII: Strength

Keywords: Powerful, Gentle Influence, Discipline

The Strength card harnesses the energy of The Defender to tame the powerful lion with a whisper. Rather than defaulting to brute force, utilise inner strength, gentleness and craft to overpower forces greater than yourself.  

IX: The Hermit

Keywords: Retreat, Recuperation, Inner Self

The Hermit is one who takes a healthy break from the everyday, choosing isolation in order to recuperate and look inward. This is a perfect time to check in with yourself and reacquaint yourself with both the light and dark within. Find a way to embrace and forgive the parts of yourself that are perceived as negative - this is the path to seeing the beauty in imperfection. Reconnecting with the earth is important in this process. Our bodies are from the earth and we are temporary expressions of life within the larger cycle of life. The wasp is my symbol for the inner dark parts, which are beautiful when fear is removed. 

X: The Wheel

Keywords: Cycle of Life, Chance, Steering, Fortune

In this fleeting life, each one of us have free will to make ripples in the ever spinning universe. In turn, we are subject to the consequences of the free will of others. Combine this with the shifting circumstances that we can’t control, we find ourselves with only a partial ability to manipulate the cycle of loss and gain. Like the helm of a ship, we can steer our lives with only a certain level of accuracy as we navigate the calm and the storms. Embrace it. Every unravelling loss and joy is transient, and a new opportunity always follows after the last.

XI: Justice

Keywords: Truth Prevails, Consequences, Judgement

Truth can be handled, like a sword. You can bear it or hide it, but truth will emerge eventually. However much a person conceals it, another will come along to expose it. Avoid greater losses later by making decisions justly and with consideration of the consequences. Pick up the sword in your dominant hand, and the scales in the other and seek justice - for yourself and for others.

XII: The Hanged One

Keywords: Surrender, Sacrifice, Humility, Patience

The act of surrender is a powerful recognition of the larger universe and story beyond yourself. What is more beautiful than the selfless act of letting go of control for the greater good. The reward will be deeper and more eternal. While steering your life, it’s helpful to stay grounded and patient with the losses you sometimes need to face for greater rewards. The state of surrender also gives you new perspective to meditate and view the world from outside your own context.

XIII: Death

Keywords: Surrender, Sacrifice, Humility, Patience

Death is a stark reminder that we live on borrowed time. And this concept extends to every ending or loss we experience - whether it’s the ending of a relationship or a slip of the fingers causing your favourite possession to shatter on the ground. The fear of endings is a crippling power, which can only be overcome when you see the beauty of transience. It doesn’t take away from the pain of endings - but healing and learning only comes when the ending is finally embraced. Passing through tribulation is the only way to move forward. Death can also be beautiful.

XIV: Temperance

Keywords: Moderation, Staying Grounded, Blending

When two ingredients are blended, they simultaneously dilute each other whilst creating something new and sometimes more effective. An even temper keeps a healthy discussion from becoming an exchange of insults. Sometimes, less is more. This card prompts us to stay grounded. To keep peace and balance for greater gains. On the other hand, playing the safe route is not always enough. There’s a time to be gentle and safe, and other times to be potent and take a risk.

XV: The Devil

Keywords: Toxic partnership, Addiction, Loss of Control

Like the locket depicted, a partnership that was once harmonious and fruitful has now clasped shut - making it too dependant. This toxic link is no longer enjoyable or mutually beneficial. Consider the partnerships or practices that you find yourself in. Are you trapped? Or are you the one trapping the other party? If a healthy state cannot be re-established - consider cutting ties. Give thanks for the good, but recognise when you are required to initiate an ending to reduce longer term damage to everyone involved.

XVI: The Tower

Keywords: Upheaval, Foundational Shift, Awakening

Everything we know and understand is built up over time and founded on ground that we come to trust and rely upon. This foundation is made up of traditions, culture, people we love and trust, belief systems and our perceived laws of the world around us. When our foundations are torn up from underneath us, often very abruptly, we find ourself suspended in a fusion of grief and confusion. Building from the ground up is unavoidable sometimes. But if security can be found in a more sustainable and fluid foundation, perhaps we can grow a stronger and deeper network of threads, rather than brittle bricks and mortar.

XVII: The Star

Keywords: Inspiration, Purpose, Motivation, Spark

Inspiration is uniquely found in the things that truly move you. Just as the Magi from the east were moved to follow the star to find their king, guiding inspiration will be found in the things that touch your heart and speak to your purpose. The star nourishes us with the energy needed to grow and manifest. Find ways to inspire both your physical and spiritual self by following the light that calls you by name. When you do so, you will energise others in turn.

XVIII: The Moon

Keywords: Intuition, Subconscious, Half Light

You know your purpose and your future vision. The previous card, The Star, has breathed life and inspiration into you. The only remaining aspect missing from your journey is a path. The moon reflects the Sun, and casts a partial light on the path ahead. You know where you’re headed, but the vision is not in full colour yet. At this time, it is important to connect with your subconscious and intuitively pick out each step as your journey through the forest and towards the sunrise.

XIX: The Sun

Keywords: Warmth, Deep Joy, Vitality, Purpose, Clarity

The Sun represents both the origin, peak and final destination of life. This vast star provides purifying light and nourishing warmth. Every life cycle has its moment in the sun, it’s moment of vitality and blessing - so this card is full of positivity. The four flowers represent the four elements in flow and full of health. Take a moment to enjoy the affirming sunlight and let it fuel your pursuit of happiness. 

XX: Judgement

Keywords: Forgiveness, Responsibility, Rebirth

Accountability can be a healthy and powerful act of love, promoting mutual awareness and growth. To achieve healthy exchanges of judgement - combine it with an open heart and forgiveness. Often judgement works both ways, sometimes expressed, and other times kept to ourselves. The important thing is to recognise the difference in our unique experiences and be ready to learn. May our exchanges of judgements be kind and loving. When judged unfairly - brush it off, rise up and focus on your own growth. When calling others to account - humbly examine your motivations and check yourself for hypocrisy.

XXI: The World

Keywords: Closure, Wholeness, New Chapter

This marks the natural closing and beginning of a chapter. The journey of change is multilayered and complex, meaning that when a chapter closes and another opens, the moment can linger. You may find yourself in a state of enlightenment as you travel to a new path. Take a moment to hover between hindsight and future vision, savouring how your past helps inform your hopeful future. A deep peace is waiting to be found in this moment of travel and reflection - so grasp it and hold on to it.

Let me know what you think!

Much warmth,

Ari x


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